Green Solutions

Master Trade, Inc. is committed to offering green plumbing solutions when possible and per our clients’ preferences.

Explore your options to facilitate water and energy conservation while also maintaining comfort and convenience. It’s easier than you may think!

Tankless water heaters

Tankless water heaters versus regular water heaters conserve more water and energy
(as well as saving money on bills) because they work on demand.  In other words, once a
faucet is opened, it activates the water heater, as opposed to consistently refilling and heating
a 50 to 75 gallon tank to maintain hot water in a house or building.

Hot water recirculation systems

These systems make hot water readily available when opening faucets by maintaining the circulation
of a continuous loop of hot water through the pipes of a house or building. This conserves water waste
by reducing the need to run water into the sink or shower for several minutes until it gets hot.

Insulated hot water pipes

Similar to the concept of hot water recirculation systems, insulated hot water pipes keep water in
the pipes warm for longer periods of time.  Insulated pipes do not cool off as quickly as non-insulated pipes,
therefore reducing the need to run the water for several minutes until it gets hot.

High-efficiency plumbing fixtures

Many companies offer toilets, faucets, and other plumbing fixtures that comply with green living standards
while maintaining ease of use and the aesthetic element.  Master Trade, Inc. is experienced with the installation
and service of these systems.  Some examples include dual flushing toilets, low-flow showerheads,
and electronically controlled faucets.

